Basic Information Of Madhuban CHC, Dist:-Jajpur
Madhuban is a small block situated in the center part of the district having a population of 1,94,381.
1. | Total Papulation | : 1,94,381 (Approx) |
2. | No of Revenue Village | : 150 |
3. | Name of the Tahasil | : Rasulpur |
4. | Name of the Police Station | : Kuakhia, Brahmabarada,Jajpur Road Madhuban |
5. | No of GKS Function | : 149 |
6. | Name of CHC | : Madhuban |
7. | No. of PHC(N) Name of PHC | : 5 : Singhapur, Laxminagar, Haripur, Brahmabarada, Kundapatana |
8. | No. of HWC SC's | : 21 Rasulpur, Badakainchi, Badarampei, B.N Pur, Mirjapur, Ektala, Narsinghpur, Bahadalapur, Karajanga, Prathamakhandi, Samantarapur, Bandhadiha, Arthanga, Mangarajpur, Karanjiary, Barabati, Bamdeipur, Kalan, Jokadia, Sukadeipur, Nathuabara. |
9. | No.of Co-located SCs | : 5 Singhpur, Tarapur, Haripur, Brahmabarada, Kundapatna. |
10. | No of Sector | : 5 |
11. | Total No.of ASHA | : 165 |
12. | No. of JAS Function | : 5 |
13. | No. of Delivery Point | : 3(Madhuban CHC, Haripur PHC, BrahmabaradaPHC) |